[FAILED] End Of March Challenge

On the 15th of March, I set myself a 2week challenge focusing on publishing YouTube videos and doing the Keto diet. I failed!

To be honest, I am not surprised I failed. Even as I read back the original post, I found the whole thing unnecessarily complex. But I was surprised that a side effect was that I lost the habit of writing these posts – something I had been doing regularly.

Perhaps it was the shame. I’m not really sure. But if I learned anything from my challenge, it’s that its better to keep things simple.

I have this hunch that whilst this challenge and my previous ones can help you get started, or past a plateau or simply just spice things up, they are not a substitute for building better more sustainable habits. We all want to transform ourselves in a week and reap the benefits for a lifetime. But this is rarely if ever the case. Instead, we should strive for coupling short bursts of intense effort with a slower more sustainable approach.

Progress requires patience, persistence and getting back up after you fail.

This post is short and not very sweet. It’s just something I had to get off my chest so I could move forward.